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Modvigil 200mg from BuyModa now comes in 500 pills

Modvigil 200mg by HAB Pharma modafinil

We have a couple of important announcements to make about our Modvigil line of modafinil.

  1. We have reduced the prices of most of our Modvigil 200mg pills significantly.
  2. We have added the ability to order 500 Modvigil 200mg pills at a time. Of course, you also get the 30 free bonus pills on top of that.

We will be introducing new products, lower prices, and a more robust customer loyalty program shortly.

BuyModa has been around for over a year now, and we find ourselves atop the list of most popular modafinil vendors online.

Initially, the influx of orders was a challenge to handle but our systems have been upgraded, staff hired and trained and we’re ready to continue serving you as you deserve to be. As the only American owned, American-ran online modafinil vendor in the world, we take a certain pride in our customer support and commitment to our customers. If there is an issue, our support agents or even Mike will ensure it’s handled to your total satisfaction.

With the former #1 modafinil vendors online like Afinilexpress, Duckdose, and Modafinilcat, they offered only e-mail support. The difficulty of chatting live when English is not your first language naturally posed difficulties for them. An extenuating drawback to an e-mail support system is the response time and organization. Our team of dedicated support specialists is always online to serve you. If you think something is not getting done the way you’d like to see it done, ask the agent to ensure Mike is notified. They will note this in the ticket they create for you.

We are still growing at a fast pace and assure you that we are prepared for a very long future. Buy Moda is here to stay, and we promise not to take advantage of our place on top. We will always offer the best prices for modafinil and armodafinil found anywhere on the web. And, unless you’re in a handful of countries, the shipping is FREE.

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96 Percent Of Smart Drugs Used Without A Prescription

Use of smart drugs such as modafinil have gone up almost 300% between 2015 and 2017 a study in the International Journal of Drug Policy stated in June of 2018. This informati0on is based on an international drug usage survey. The survey is done annually, anonymously and online. The survey in 2015 was taken by about 30,000 people, which the 2018 survey was taken by almost 80,000 people.

The US had the highest rate of pharmacological cognitive enhancement (PCE) among respondents. Almost 30% of American respondents to the survey say they had taken a PCE (modafinil, armodafinil, other nootropics) at least once within the preceding 12 months. This is up from 20% in the 2015 survey.

In terms of the increasing usage of nootropics, Europe was far ahead of the game with countries like France going from 3% usage to 16% and the United Kingdom from 5% in 2015 to 23 percent in 2017.

The survey went on to find that almost half of the people who used study pills like modafinil got the pills from friends, 10 percent go them from online pharmacies, 6 percent got them from family members and only 4 percent said they had actual prescriptions.

With the rise of discreet payment systems such as Bitcoin, buying Modafinil and other nootropics online are becoming the easiest, cheapest and safest way to buy nootropics.

According to this survey, only 4 percent of PCE – modafinil – nootropics users have prescriptions.

96% of the smart drugs being taken to increase cognitive performance are bought without a prescription.

In the realm of medication without prescriptions, it is thought to be much cheaper, and safer to buy your nootropics from an online pharmacy versus random people. With online pharmacies, there are support professionals to answer your questions and a company that stands behind its products.

Here’s a link to the actual survey.